Workshops, Speaking, and Professional Development

Life is all about choices, preparation, opportunities, perseverance,  and sometimes second chances. That is why I have focused on ending the school to prison pipeline through Webbolutionary Motivation, LLC. I’m committed to helping students advocate for themselves educationally and pursue their dreams. I help train educators to rethink how they discipline certain children in schools and help them enhance their awareness of implicit or unconscious biases and the harm they cause. We have to end the school to prison pipeline. My success and your success should help breed someone else’s success.

Building a Bridge to Girls of Color

Participants will learn about the challenges faced by black and brown girls during their educational experiences, explore tools to connect with black and brown girls, and empower service providers to be dynamic bridges for black and browns girls during the secondary and early college experiences. You do not want to miss this eye-opening, informative, and life-changing experience.

Ending the School to Prison Pipeline

Examines the educational barriers associated with a youth’s return to a community school setting following suspension/ expulsion and offers positive collaborative approaches to support youth’s successful return into the educational community.

Culturally Responsive Communication

In this session, educators will learn about affirming differences and valuing student backgrounds through the application of culturally responsive communication. The focus is on the mindset needed to provide culturally responsive instruction.

Youth C.H.A.M.P. Program

In this session, students will learn and apply the 5 C.H.A.M.P. principles (Choices, Habits, Attitudes, Mindset, and Purpose) to produce high achievers. Social and emotional learning skills included in this presentation are: setting positive goals, understanding empathy, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, making responsible decisions, and understanding and managing emotions.


