After 27 years of working with people who were incarcerated, Leonard learned that they had powerful stories to tell. He wants to teach people who are currently incarcerated to tell their story to young people and find the impact and purpose he has found.

Why you and your message

The theme of this program is “Don’t speak to impress with your accomplishments rather speak to impact with your mistakes”. Mr. Webb has supported thousands of men return to society successfully. All tests come with a testimony and all messes come with a message. The success of the men he has worked with comes from first the “Who” and “Why” and then the “What” and “How”. His “Purpose Driven” approach allows the person to move past guilt and shame which supports the telling of their story and impacting the lives of others.

“You are only as strong as your purpose, therefore let us choose reasons to act that are big, bold, righteous, and eternal.” Barry Munro

Mr. Webb knows how important it is to provide people releasing from incarceration or rehabilitation with not only the best possible information but with a sense of purpose and identity. Speaking helps people re-entering society find their purpose and learn the power of advocacy for others. Tell their story, leave an impact, share it with the world, and use it as a lesson to others. Don’t let an experience go to waste.

Who am I

Leonard Webb is one of the most sought after speakers in the education. He has been featured on many podcasts and radio programs. Mr. Webb has spoken at colleges/ universities, K-12 schools, youth organizations, and criminal justice agencies. Recently, he was appointed by Governor Hogan of Maryland to be apart of the first Juvenile Justice School Board. He was the co-author of the best selling book, “Impact of Influence: Volume 2” and is also an author of a journal for teenagers, “Youth CHAMP” which utilizes his Choices, Habits, Attitudes, Mindset, and Purpose Framework. Additionally, he is CEO of Webbolutionary Motivation, LLC which seeks to end the “School to Prison Pipeline” and is one of the foremost speakers on improving school culture and relationships between the stakeholders (i.e. administration, teachers, parents, and students).

Inside Look at the Program

  1. What problem do you want to solve?/ Audience and Clients
  2. What type of speaker are you?/ Your Signature Speech
  3. The Three C’s of Speaking (Confidence, Clarity, Compensation)
  4. Building your brand
  5. Cold Calls and Emails
  6. Marketing, Logos, and Freebies

The Impact

With a focus on fostering entrepreneurship and building character, this speaking program’s methodical approach focuses on accountability, building opportunities, and community. The Program’s values are servant leadership, excellence, execution, and resilience. These values will be demanded of it’s participants and they will be encouraged to embody daily.

Now is the time to sign up

Send an email to for more information and special rates for starting September 2023


How long is the program?

30 hours which can be completed over multiple consecutive days

What do participants receive?

Certified Speaker Certificate from Webbolutionary Motivation, Program Guide, monthly follow up for 6 months, and free signed Youth C.H.A.M.P book.